Here are some insights from the TIER2 project Coordinator on his vision for the way forward and how this newly formed alliance between OSIRIS and TIER2 will further boost the work of each project and will, in turn, generate a bigger impact!

As stated by Tony Ross-Hellauer, coordinator of TIER2. “All of us in TIER2 are delighted to collaborate with OSIRIS. Not only because it makes sense to join forces and the spirit of collaboration we already have makes it great fun but also because, in pooling our range of perspectives and activities, we think both projects really stand to benefit!

Tony also provides insights on what is the vision of the TIER2 project and How does it align with OSIRIS? Here is what he has to say: “TIER2 aims to boost trust, integrity and efficiency in research by tackling the causes and consequences of poor levels of reproducibility of results across different research contexts. We are especially concerned with investigating differences in the relevance, or even general applicability, of reproducibility across different kinds of research (c.f. Leonelli 2018). We feel that a better understanding of these basic conditions is essential for our later work to co-create tools and interventions that work best for our intended user communities (researchers, publishers, funders). I think our project is, therefore, a great complement to OSIRIS, with our somewhat broader focus on conditions for reproducibility across research domains, as well as in our use of methods/perspectives derived from science and technology studies, philosophy, future studies, design-thinking, computational social science and others, which complement OSIRIS’ approaches which build heavily upon methods from the behavioural and medical sciences.”

As for the contribution of the TIER2/OSIRIS partnership to Open Science and Reproducibility, Tony Ross-Hellauer adds that “Reforming research to foster Open Science and Reproducibility is a “full-stack problem”. It needs action to build tools and services, to train for new skills and build awareness, to reform bad incentives which foster questionable practices, and align policies so they support all this. In other words, there is a lot to do! Through our partnership, our two projects are able to join forces on specific activities (like building evidence and engaging stakeholders) and complement each other in our development of tools and interventions, to maximise our impact on these essential issues.”

Tony also shares his vision for this partnership, highlighting that the TIER2 team is delighted to collaborate with OSIRIS “Not only because it makes sense to join forces and the spirit of collaboration, we already have made it great fun, but also because in pooling our range of perspectives and activities, we think both projects really stand to benefit.”

These unique projects can and will align to create evidence-based accountability and reliability in science. Stay tuned for more details on the collaboration between these consortiums paving the way in Open Science and Reproducibility