about IRFMN
The Mario Negri Institute is a private and independent non-profit scientific organization which operates in the field of biomedical research, with the aim of improving human health. Born in 1961 in Milan, today it has 3 sites, Milan, Bergamo and Ranica (BG) and employs about 700 people. The Mario Negri has three main objectives: carrying out scientific research projects, training young people, disseminating the results of research at all levels.
The institute conducts scientific research by taking stock of the problems that patients face, then moves to experimental models – at the cellular and molecular level – and then the focus returns to patients. The institute also evaluates the efficacy of health interventions, and of training and information dissemination activities aimed at the public.
The public-health mission of the Mario Negri Institute is achieved through a working model of institutional integrity that bypasses several ways that commercialized research has corrupted transparent science, valid results, and trustworthy clinical practice.

The Mario Negri team working for the OSIRIS project comprises different and complementary expertise. Rita Banzi is a clinical pharmacologist, and she works in the field of clinical research methodology and open science, with an eye on health and research policies. She coordinates the OSIRIS activities at the Mario Negri and actively participates to WP3 and WP5. Maddalena Fratelli is a biologist, expert in pharmacogenomics, computational science, and translational medicine. She supports the development of computational reproducibility checks in WP3. Cinzia Colombo is a philosopher of science, and she is an expert of methods for active and informed participation of citizens, patients and their representatives in health and research issues. In WP2, she is involved in the organization of focus groups with different stakeholders in Italy and training activities.
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