The Open Science Day is an opportunity for KU Leuven researchers to share their Open Science experience, and to participate in the discussion. The next edition will take place on 6 May 2024. It will take the form of an Open Science fair with posters and stands by KU Leuven researchers, next to a panel debate about the position of early career researchers and their supervisors in a research landscape which is moving towards more Open Science.
Accepted proposals will be published in the proceedings of the KU Leuven Open Science Day. For posters, we will publish abstract, biography of the author(s), the posters in a downloadable format and (if desired) additional materials. For demos, we will publish abstracts, biography of the author(s) and (if desired) additional materials.
We want to create a welcoming environment, where all researchers can bring forward their Open Science experience, regardless of their research interests, career stage or level of expertise in Open Science.
Find out more HERE.
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