From February 14th to 15th, 2023, in Utrecht, Netherlands, the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU) hosted and organized the kick-off meeting for the OSIRIS project. Conducted in a two-day interactive online and face-to-face event, the OSIRIS kick-off meeting was filled with insightful brainstorming sessions, key presentations by work package leaders, and insights from our advisory board, the Project officer of OSIRIS and the EU Policy Officer.

The event started with a welcome speech by Dr. Inge Stegeman (UMCU). Followed by the introduction of all team members and their institutions, a Policy Introduction presentation by the EU Policy Officer and a presentation on the Key aspects of the grant agreement by the Project Officer of OSIRIS.

Day one was highlighted by the work package presentations and brainstorming discussions of the six work packages. The assignment of specific tasks, setting a concrete project timeline and linking ways not only to collaborate within the consortium but also with other partners to ensure the greatest impact of our outcomes and deliverables was the primary goal of day two.

Click here for more details on the OSIRIS kick-off meeting.