We are delighted to share with you that our partners, KU Leuven, have been diligently introducing the OSIRIS project at strategic events to create awareness of our work in Open Science and to boost the visibility and impact of the project.

One of their strategic events includes a virtual presentation on February 3rd, 2023, at the monthly meeting of the reproducibility networks hosted by the UKRN. The target audience was members of the European and Global Reproducibility Networks.

You can view or download the presentation HERE.

On May 12, 2023, they also introduced OSIRIS at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité, BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research. This in-person event was targeted at researchers.

You can view or download the presentation HERE.

Stay tuned for updates on other OSIRIS activities! Or visit our blogs and events section to discover what’s new and how you can get involved!

OSIRIS “Creating Trust in Open Science & Reproducibility through Accessibility and Transparency!”