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Date and time: November 26, 2023 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Location: Machine room ThermoTechnisch Instituut, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001 Heverlee

Event type: DIY

Event format: in-person activity for persons from 0 to 99 years

Do you have a passion for baking? Mix that with a touch of science, and you have our unique Bake-Off Science event!

We invite 60 passionate bakers from all age groups to explore the science of baking. Through this sweet challenge, you will discover how accuracy is crucial in science, just like in baking recipes.

Register individually or form a team with family or friends. Conditions to participate? An oven, basic baking tools, a mixer, and a heart for sweets. Pick up your baking ingredients and recipe in Leuven on November 24 or 25. Bake at home and present your masterpiece on Science Day on November 26!

An expert jury and the audience decide who deserves the Bake-Off Science crown!

Register via this form

Organised by:

Veerle Van den Eynden, Patrick Onghena, Olivia Kirtley, Magdalena Kozula, moderator and two jury members

After registering for this activity, you will receive an email a few days before the event with instructions on picking up the ingredients. We also provide children’s activities during the event.

Organisation by: KU Leuven

This event was originally published Here.

Picture credit: By Seksak Kerdkanno (kerdkanno) via Pixabay

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