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Workshop 19: Making research transparent and reproducible – Creating a paradigm shift in Open Science!
OSIRIS – Open Science to Improve Reproducibility in Science
CZU – Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
YPARD – Young Professionals for Agricultural Development

To join, contact the OSIRIS Communications officer: comms4osiris@gmail.com
Date: Wednesday, 20/09/2023, 08:30 – 11:30 h (CEST)
In-person workshop
Location: to be announced
It is crucial to ensure that this generation and the next are able to produce evidence-based results and have a clear path in conducting Reliable and Trustworthy scientific research. Currently, the burden of improving reproducibility lies with the researchers, as there are limited to no incentives to encourage active engagement in reproducibility and ideas for improvement have never been tested in practice. We need a paradigm and culture shift to reform the R&I (research and innovation) system both from the top down and the bottom up to regain overall trust in science.
This Open Science and reproducibility workshop will provide young researchers with ways to identify incentives and embed reproducibility in the strategy and design of research projects. They will understand the underlying drivers and effective interventions that increase evidence-based reproducibility at funding, publishing, university, and researcher-level trough an interactive peer-to-peer exchange.
The reproducibility of scientific results is at the core of scientific progress. After all, if a scientific finding is not reproducible and accessible, it is untrustworthy and cannot form the basis of future research and innovation.
Join us at our Open Science workshop!

Main purpose of the workshop:
Expose the problem in understanding how to improve and increase reproducibility in Science.
Provide concrete knowledge, skills, and best practices in reproducibility measures.
Enable attendees to network and share experience in conducting Open Science in their field of expertise

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